Gee + Chung Design Logo
Project 12 of 18
Catalyst Consulting Team Brochure
Image 01 of 05
Catalyst Consulting Team is a Silicon Valley-based organizational development teaching and consulting firm. Our solution incorporates core program information wire-O bound into the brochure with updatable insert sheets viewable through a leaf-shaped die-cut pocket, enabling Catalyst to customize prospective client presentations dependent upon the specific services needed.
The brochure’s dynamic, scientific presentation of Catalyst’s programs insures the audience that participants will be successful in transferring their experiences in team building, leadership, and experiential learning back into their workplaces. The modular presentation enabled Catalyst to successfully expand their consulting practice into several new market segments.
Society of Publication Designers SPD Awards, 1995
HOW International Design Awards, 1995
Step-By-Step Graphics Design Annual, 1995
Studio Magazine Awards, 1995
Western Art Directors Club West Coast Show, 1995
Rockport Breaking the Rules in Graphic Design, 1995
PIE Books Corporate Profile Graphics, 1995
North Light Fresh Ideas in Promotion 2, 1996
North Light Graphic Design Inspirations & Innovations 2, 1997