If you are interested in obtaining funding from RWI Group, please submit a written business plan and full résumés of key founders and management. Business plans should either be sent via e-mail plans@rwigroup.com or hard copy to 835 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304. Executive summaries should be e-mailed or faxed (650) 213-8660 and should contain full résumés.
A business plan should contain the following information and answer the following questions:
Description of the Product or Service
What problem does your product solve? How is the "pain" alleviated by your company’s product?
Company History
What was the genesis for your product? What milestones has the company achieved?
Analysis of the Market and the Competition
What is the size of the total available market? What sub-segment of this market will be the company’s initial focus. Why? What is the existing and potential competitive landscape? What is your product’s sustainable competitive advantage?
Business, Sales and Marketing Strategy
Who are the specific target customers and what will their reasons be for choosing your product? How will your company market itself and sell its products?
Full Résumés of Key Management
Highlight relevant industry and market expertise. Why is this team well-suited to execute the plan? What key team members have yet to be identified?
Current and Projected Financial Statements
Include five years of annual projections of income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements, with the first two years of projected financial statements broken out on a monthly basis.
Capital Needs and Existing Capital Structure
How is current ownership divided? What are current financing needs and how will money raised be put to work? What are future financing and liquidity expectations?
The best business plans are more than sales-oriented documents designed to attract funding. They function as constantly-updated corporate roadmaps and help provide management with a framework to guide strategic planning.
Please note that due to the large number of business plans which we receive, we do not sign non-disclosure agreements. However, our integrity and reputation depends on a high level of trust with and respect for entrepreneurs. We make sure to keep all materials confidential.

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