We have compiled a list of RWI Group's most frequently asked questions (FAQs). Once you have selected a question and have read the corresponding answer, move your cursor along the above menu bar to preview other questions. Click on the numbers to jump to the answers.
1 What kinds of companies does RWI Group invest in?
2 At what stage does RWI Group look to invest in companies?
3 How much money does RWI Group invest per company?
4 What if my company needs more money? Does RWI Group work alone or with other firms?
5 Which venture capital firms does RWI Group co-invest with?
6 What roles does RWI Group play in helping to develop young companies?
7 What information should be contained in business plans submitted to RWI Group?
8 What is the review process at RWI Group?
9 What distinguishes RWI Group from other venture capital firms?
10 Do you recommend sending out business plans to large numbers of venture capital firms?
11 What else can you recommend in order to increase chances of getting a response from RWI Group and other venture capital firms?
12 What are common pitfalls to avoid for first-time entrepreneurs?

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