Noel Rahn is Chairman of the Rahn Group and has over 20 years of experience in the venture capital industry. The Rahn Group specializes in venture capital and public micro-capitalization equity investing.
Before forming the Rahn Group, Noel was for 25 years Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Advisers, Inc. (IAI), a money management firm. Under Noels direction and leadership, IAIs assets under management grew from $50 million to over $16 billion. Additionally, Noel pioneered IAIs venture capital activities. During Noels tenure, IAI raised $600 million in venture capital and achieved an outstanding venture capital track record.
Prior to joining IAI, Noel spent 12 years at Paine, Webber, Jackson and Curtis, where he held various executive positions, including Senior Vice President, National Sales Manager, and National Training Director.
Noel holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Southern California.

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